Acting ethically
Prevention of corruption at LFB
LFB has developed and implemented a corruption prevention program which it applies with “zero tolerance”. The anti-corruption code of conduct is one of the major tools of this programme.
This code applies to all LFB employees but also to external stakeholders (partners working for or with LFB) in France and abroad.
It describes the essential principles of a culture of integrity and the behaviours required in relations with all stakeholders.
It has been translated into 4 languages and is accompanied by a mandatory training programme for all LFB employees exposed to risks of corruption.
An alert line at has been set up to bring to LFB’s attention, in a secure and confidential manner, any situation likely to be contrary to the principles described in this code.
The LFB Anticorruption Code of conduct
LFB shows its commitment as part of its responsibilities towards blood donors, patients, healthcare professionals, its employees, partners, shareholder and society as a whole. LFB has implemented a corruption prevention programme based on zero tolerance towards any practice contrary to the fight against corruption and other integrity failures.
Commitments to healthcare actors
As a pharmaceutical laboratory, LFB is subject to regulations strictly governing its interactions with healthcare players in France and abroad : anti-gift regulation, transparency of relations, disclosure code, Sunshine Act, etc.
LFB has operational procedures and measures in place that enable it to guarantee compliance with all of these regulations.
For France, LFB publishes its relations of interest with French healthcare entities and professionals every six months on the Transparency in Health website of the French Ministry of Health
LFB is committed to building personal data processing procedures that comply with regulations and with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in particular.